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import pygame pygame.init() pygame.mixer.music.load('d://01.mp3') pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) from turtle import * shape('turtle') color('red','yellow') turtlesize(2) speed(1) goto(-150,180) write('hello world',font=('arial',18,'normal')) bgpic('d://01.gif') title('hello world') goto(100,-150) for i in range(20): forward(50) pendown() circle(20) penup() backward(50) left(5) goto(-130,-160) for i in range(60): pendown() circle(i) circle(i*0.8) right(6) forward(3) penup() done()
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from turtle import * import random speed(1) shape('turtle') colormode(255) pensize(2) for i in range(72): pencolor(random.randint(0,255) random.randint(0,255) random.randint(0,255)) forward(30) pendown() circle(20) penup() backward(15) left(12) done()
www.hugmoon.com Passages ofPython's Turtleavailable, but the majority havesuffered alteration in some form, by injected humour,
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from turtle import * for i in range(0,80,10): circle(i) done()
About Python's Turtle
from turtle import * forward(-250) pensize(40) color('blue','yellow') seth(-40) for i in range(2): circle(80,80) circle(-80,80) circle(60,40/2) forward(20) circle(18,180) forward(8 * 2/3) done()
Turtle some instructions
from turtle import * def triangle(x): pensize(2) pencolor('black') for i in range(3): fd(x) right(120) def main(): speed(1) colors=['green','red','yellow','blue'] for j in range(1,7): for i in range(4): if j >= 2: triangle(80 + j * 10) left(90) else: fillcolor(colors[i]) begin_fill() triangle(80) left(90) end_fill() #ht() main() done()
Turtle with background music and images
from turtle import * delay(200) pencolor('blue') color('blue','red') begin_fill() circle(60,180) left(90) circle(60,180) left(90) circle(60,180) left(90) circle(60,180) end_fill() done()
My Experiences
There are many variations of passages ofPython's Turtle available, but the majority havesuffered alteration in some form, by injected humour,
pythonimport turtle turtle.goto(-100,0) turtle.shape("circle") turtle.shapesize(8,2) turtle.settiltangle(45) turtle.color('blue') turtle.stamp() turtle.fd(130) turtle.settiltangle(-45) turtle.stamp() turtle.fd(150) turtle.done()
Python's Turtle Exampleimport turtle turtle.fillcolor('violet') col = turtle.pencolor() turtle.fillcolor(col) turtle.fillcolor(0, .5, 0) turtle.circle(120) turtle.done()
About Pythonfrom turtle import * shape('turtle') turtlesize(2) delay(200) pencolor('blue') color('blue','red') begin_fill() circle(60,180) left(90) circle(60,180) left(90) circle(60,180) left(90) circle(60,180) end_fill() done()
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There are many variations of passages ofPython's Turtleavailable, but the majority havesuffered alteration in some form, by injected humour,